

Bangladesh is a land of stunning scenery, waterways, and beautiful people! It is very low lying and has about 700 rivers. There is a lot of flooding. In recent weeks though, there have been protests, violence and unrest. We hope together for Bangladesh to be peaceful. We pray for good leaders who will care for all the people of Bangladesh.

Bangladesh shares borders with India and Myanmar.
The red disk on the flag represents the sun rising over Bengal. The green ‘field’ stands for the lush, beautiful land of Bangladesh.

There are six seasons in Bangladesh: Sharat (Autumn), Grismo (Summer), Bashonto (Spring), Sheet (Winter), Barsha (Rainy) and Hemanto (Cool).

The currency there is called taka, which means “currency” in Bengali.

The National bird of Bangladesh is the magpie robin but Bangladesh is also home to 713 other known species of birds. Of these, around 320 species are migratory birds, arriving mostly from Mongolia, China, Tibet and Russia during the Northern Hemisphere winter. Each year Bangladesh hosts about 300,000 of these migratory birds.

The game of choice for Bangladeshi people is cricket. The national cricket team first participated in the Cricket World Cup in 1999. Kabaddi (or Ha-Du-Du) is the national sport of Bangladesh. It has no definite rules. The national animal is the Bengal Tiger and the national fruit is the Jackfruit.

We have good friends in Bangladesh who help children with education and accommodation. They run student hostels and help teach in local schools.

Map of Bangladesh


About Bangladesh

Let’s join Annie as she describes Bangladesh

Memory Verse

Our Memory verse as we focus on Bangladesh is Mark 16:15
Go everywhere in the world, tell the good news to everyone. Mark 16:15

Bangladeshi Bread

Try making some Bangladeshi fried Lucchi bread at home. The recipe is on the video and is also downloadable from our resources page.
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